Home > Has it been that long??

Has it been that long??

August 4th, 2009 at 02:39 pm

Oh my! Has it really been that long since my last blog post here on saving advice? Since June 2005!
Lots have happened since then. I did end up with the computer job and worked with them for over 3 1/2 years. I left there last November and have been a stay at home mom again. Even though I was working from home - I worked alot and missed lots of family time.

We became debtfree (except for the house) In Feb 2007. That was a HUGE relief. Unfurtunately, the next step for us was a fully funded emergency fund and that just didn't happen. Frown So I am more committed than ever to make that happen now. (That's why I am back here - so I can keep motivated!)

I have started tracking August 1 to see where all the money goes. This will give me a way to see what needs to be cut and ways we can save.

It's great to back here! Smile

1 Responses to “Has it been that long??”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Welcome back! And good luck getting that emergency fund funded.

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