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added more debt

April 9th, 2005 at 08:53 pm

Well we have added up all our debt again - new medical bills, and dental bills - including braces - we are back up to 14900!!!! This also included the 1700 past medical bill we have been paying on. Frown

OH well - what are we to do? I found out friday I have high blood pressure. Frown So that will now be a monthly expense that we didn't have before.

I paid off 3 small bills friday to bring the total down some - 154.15- leaving a total of only........14745.85 UGH!!

Well it's time to buckle down again and get serious about paying this down as soon as possible. I know when I was posting here more regular I did better. I lost 2 days of work last week and ended up with an ER bill and a dr. vistit with prescription meds and more. Frown

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