Home > Wacky Wednesday

Wacky Wednesday

March 9th, 2005 at 06:22 pm

Well I spent $28.00 on pictures this morning - gosh I wanted to buy them all!! The pictures were of our youngest dd - she looks like a little angel in them. It's been a long time since I had her pictures taken and all the kids have school pictures on the wall kwim? But I honestly could of gotten all the pics for 185!!! I don't think so - yes they were cute but honestly I don't have that many people to give pics to. I figured if I was gonna have that kind of $$ sitting in the drawers it would be green!

Other than that no money spent.

I start work tomorrow night - working 3 to 8 pm. My mil just volunteered to keep youngest dd during the day if I got a chance to work days - She has NEVER watched our children!! So it was a shock! Anyways I thanked her and told her nights would work out good for us right now.

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