Home > Moanday Monday!!!!!

Moanday Monday!!!!!

March 7th, 2005 at 12:09 pm

I ended up getting real sick on sunday. Frown No $$ spent all weekend. Smile I am feeling somewhat better now, not totally but I think as the day goes on it will get better. - at least I hope so.

I need to run by the store and pick up a couple items - apples and bananas are on sale for 10cents each. So will probably pick up a few $$ worth of fruit.

Watched clean sweep a couple nights ago and decided to really needed to declutter even more. We have sooooooo much stuff! Frown I have decluttered so much in the past few months - but things I HAD to keep a couple months ago - just aren't that important now. KWIM?

I also start my new job this week - Can't wait to start adding to the savings!!! Smile

Haven't been extremely frugal since last week - when everyone started getting sick. Slowly I will get back in the guerilla - frugal mode.

3 Responses to “Moanday Monday!!!!!”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I totally know what you man about the stuff not being so important a month later. I periodically go thru a drawer or shelf and wonder just wy I though X was so important? Now my DH on the other hand......

  2. Anonymous Says:

    BTW hope you feel better.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you! Smile

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