Home > Decluttering Monday!!! WOOHOO!!

Decluttering Monday!!! WOOHOO!!

March 8th, 2005 at 12:20 am

I donated a truck load of stuff to the thrift store tonight!! I feel better, earlier in the day I still wasn't doing that good - but dh and an older son helped and we got almost everything cleaned - except for the fabric cabinet. BUT I will work on that one tomorrow!!

I actually have empty cabinets and shelves in this house now!! Also got rid of alot of children's clothes. They *really* don't need 20 pairs of pants each now do they? I don't buy alot of it though, people have given it to me and I just hate to say no.

I got rid of lots of tupperware - and paired everything down to 10 - like plates, glasses, cereal bowls stuff like that. When we have company we eat off paper plates and cups anyways, which isn't frugal necessarily BUT it makes life easier.

The house looks soooooo nice and clean - now I feel like I am ready to start my new job this week! Smile

1 Responses to “Decluttering Monday!!! WOOHOO!!”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Good for you on the decluttering. I'm doing the same and I LOVE to find an empty drawer or shelf. I like that "zen" feeling. Best wishes. EIleen

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