Home > First thursday in March

First thursday in March

March 3rd, 2005 at 02:33 pm

Ugh! I am sooooooo tired!! We have sick kiddos. Frown I was up most of the night with 3 that are sick right now.

In March I have had 2 no spend days- I am aiming for 20 this month.

It's raining out and with all the sickies I am gonna use the dryer today instead of the drying rack - as I want to kill the germs with hot sunlight (which I don't have) or the dryer.

Trying to get the menus and dinners organized for next week, when I start my new job. Smile

Elimintated a couple of *small* charges ($39.90) total monthly yesterday - 2 were for credit monitoring service and one was an isp - that I forgot about. DUH! Anyways that should give a little more wiggle room. Smile

Set most of our bills up with ebilling and now in March will start paying everything online. Not saving much - but some.

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