Home > Emergency Fund challenge for March

Emergency Fund challenge for March

March 3rd, 2005 at 02:50 pm

I am setting a goal to save $200 into our EF this month. More would be great, but I will be putting mos of the extra towards the medical bill.

So I am looking for ways to get that $200 in there. I got a rebate check from the new car we just got for 6.65 that went in there yesterday. So the balance is now 1006.65 - Looking for other ways to get the 193.35 creatively.
~On the 28th of March I will save 30.89 (curves membership) as I will be working there so I won't need to pay that any longer.
~look through books and see what I can ebay/
~keeping the utilities lower than the budgeted amount

I'll keep thinking and see what else I come up with. Smile I LOVE LOVE LOVE saving money!!!!!! It is such a GREAT feeling!! Walking away from the edge finally.

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