Home > Stormy Sunday

Stormy Sunday

February 27th, 2005 at 11:22 pm

Yesterday turned out not to be frugal at all! But today's a new day. I knew we would be spending money yesterday - I just hate to part with it. LOL

~laundry using 1/8 cup of soap - in cold water 2 loads hung on the racks last load will either wait until tomorrow or be put in the dryer.
~refilling shampoo bottles adding a little water when I refill them.
~finish the decluttering the 3 little one's clothes
~organize the boy's closet
~print out a copy of the meals going to be made this 2 week period and post on the frig
~make cookies for lunchboxes this week
~track the kwh
~organize the checkbook, update the totals
~give the dog a bath and cut her nails - frugal so I won't have to take her to the groomer
~continuing to unplug things when not in use
~make up some furniture polish
~dinner will be in the crockpot - love that thing!!

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