Home > Spent some $$ - It's ok though :)

Spent some $$ - It's ok though :)

February 27th, 2005 at 11:23 pm

Well I ended up spending money today. $20 for this bar with 2 barstools - It was my neighbors and I have been trying to find one like it for some time. I wanted it in my kitchen for extra kitchen counter space. Well I price the one she had - $160!! I wasn't going to pay that - I didn't want it that bad. Well I mentioned to her a few weeks ago that I loved it and if they ever decided to get rid of it to let me know. She came over today and offered to sell it for $20 to me. UMMM I HAD to take it. I really wanted it for awhile now. It wasn't a no spend day now, but that's ok.

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