Home > Remember to pay yourself first

Remember to pay yourself first

February 22nd, 2005 at 12:52 pm

Pretend *YOU* are the bill collector and you must pay yourself at least $50 a month. Start paying yourself something. Find ways to make that $50 or more and put it in your emergency fund. If you had a bill that *had* to be paid monthly or else you would find a way. Do without dinners out, coffees, soda whatever to get that $$ together as soon as possible.

Even if you are paying debt off you still need an EF so you don't go back to charging in an emergency.

I will be adding $$ to our's today, not sure how much yet - but I would much rather have some securtity blanket than nothing. KWIM?
This is the main reason I am frual - I want us to have an EF - without being frugal we can't save anything.

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