Home > KWH yesterday

KWH yesterday

February 22nd, 2005 at 12:43 pm

I only used 37 kwh yesterday for a total of $2.96 of power for the day.

I am aiming to get the average under 40 per day before turning the a/c on for summer time. Some of my neighbors turned their a/c on permanant this past weekend. I am gonna try and go until March 1 before turning it on. In the past it has *always* been on in the last 2 weeks of Feb through Nov. Frown NOT this year!!! The a/c adds at least $3 a day to the bill. Frown On March 1 we will set another goal. We want to keep it off as long as possible this year.

We have a big above ground pool that we will be resetting up in the next week or so - that should let us keep our goal a little further off. Smile

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