Home > saving gas $$

saving gas $$

February 21st, 2005 at 12:37 am

My suburban was costing us $70 a week in gas and I don't go that far. Frown I filled the minivan up for $25 and can't wait to see how far that takes me. I am hoping over a week. Smile Even if I spent $70 every 2 weeks - can't really see that happening then I am still saving 140 a month on gas!! Smile

We will be listing the suburban for sale in the next week and that $$$ will go into the emergency fund!! WOOHOO!!

Also started our new car fund - as we know the minivan I am driving won't last forever. We paid cash a couple days ago for dh's new car and will do the same when it's time to replace the van - hoping it makes it at least another year! Smile

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