Home > kwh checkin

kwh checkin

February 17th, 2005 at 01:24 pm

I just checked my kwh for today only used 38 yesterday - just last week we were averaging 62!! So a savings of 29!!

Here's a few tips I have done recently:

~I have unplugged everything except major appliances
~flipped the breaker for the dryer and bought a bigger drying rack - now I have 2 and can do most laundry with those and the outside line
~wash only in cold, 1 time a week I wash whites in warm
~I still use the dishwasher - it would save another 6 to 8 kwh but I HATE to see dishes on the counter and I don't always have time to dry them - thanks to flylady and that shiney sink. LOL
~reset my hot water heater timer - which I had unset for awhile
~when baking do several items at one time
~Will be putting black out lining on the french doors soon, gonna do it yesterday and forgot..............
~I even unplug the computer and modem at night before going to bed

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