Home > No water tonight

No water tonight

January 30th, 2005 at 12:07 am

We have a pipe on the side of the house that was leaking - dh is fixing it, but didn't get it finished. But that's ok!! I got our 5 gallon container out of the attic and filled it with water. Also had gallons and gallons of water in the garage from the last hurricane. I boiled water and did the dishes by hand, then I boiled some for the little one baths. It's soooooooo nice to be prepared with little things. This was not stressful at all. The rest of us with wash up tonight, not full baths but that's ok.

I just want to encourage anyone reading this - be prepared with food that can be cooked on a grill if necessary or eaten from the can, water, batteries. You just never know when such preparedness will come in handy and make your situation less stressful. Smile

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