Home > January Goals Update!

January Goals Update!

January 30th, 2005 at 10:13 pm

Here were my January goals:

Three goals for January:
1. continue working on electric bill
**Need to continue to work on this one - so I will put this in my February goals also. It went up, but I called and found out that rates also increased - so I don't feel too bad.

2. work on getting the food budget down!!
**Goal was $500 this month - came in at $445.xx No more shopping here for January. So I made this goal. I would love to average out at 450 per month for the year. Let's see how I do.

3. declutter marathon with flylady Smile
**Our home is decluttered, I don't like knick knacks and have decluttered clothes and books, tupperware and misc this month. I am very happy with the progress I made in this area.

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