Home > Grocery Total for January

Grocery Total for January

January 28th, 2005 at 12:59 pm

Ok my goal for January was 500.00 - actually I really want to work on getting it to 450.00 averaged out this year. This is for 2 adults, 7 children and a HUGE lab! My budget also includes laundry, hba, paper products and pet food/shampoo.
My total for January is:

444.67 I am soooooo excited!!! Now to keep it this low the rest of the year. I got a huge container of laundry soap that will probably last us 2 months, also got a huge box (66) of pull ups for dd at night. This is also enough for 2 months. She only uses one a night. So won't have that expense next month.
Now I cut out the soda that I did buy and the chocolate. WOW!! We could really lower it. Working on those!!

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