Home > 1/28 general thoughts

1/28 general thoughts

January 28th, 2005 at 11:27 am

No money being spent here today. Spent enough yesterday!! This is our first month with the mortgage being higher. (escrow was short alot - thanks hurricanes!)

Got the electric bill and it's about $20 higher than last month and about $70 higher than last year! Some of it's from the rate increase, but the rest is just being lazy. (like using my dishwasher, dryer - stuff like that. My goal this month is to get it back down!

We have a leaky faucet on the side of the house, dh will be fixing this weekend. But I wonder how long it's been leaking......... It's on the side we never go on, Neighbors noticed it not us. So wonder what the water bill will be like........

Today I will working on cutting down the kwh, baking some bread, hanging laundry out, washing only in cold (dson helped with laundry yesterday and washed everything in warm. ) Will be unplugging ghost appliances. Trying to cook more in the crockpot versus the stove/oven.

I am still amazed, even though we are extremely frugal there are still a few little money leaks......... We need to get those plugged immediately. Just little things add up to big dollars over time.

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