Home > Mega Money spent today :(

Mega Money spent today :(

January 27th, 2005 at 06:25 pm

Well today Mega money has gone out of this house. All planned but still!!
Goodwill 24.50 - got a breadmaker that I have been wanting still in the box!! Also got a pair of Nike shoes for dson - still with tags on them - retail value 59.99 - my cost 3.00!!! WOOHOO!! He doesn't need them right at the moment - but they are the next size up for him. Also got a couple pair of uniform pants for dsons.

Publix - 5.00 for minicupcakes that I should of made but was just toooooo lazy!! These are for a kindegarten party.

Walmart - 94.44 UGH!! I got a couple more uniform shirts, a pair of uniform pants for dson. I got a new drying rack, ink for the printer and HBA's

Sams- 102.52 I get all my meat from Sams and pasta. Also got some milk and cottage cheese

Save A lot 107.31 My stock up store canned goods, and some snack type foods.

Gas for suburban - only needed $20 to fill it, of course it was half full.

Total for the day:353.47

I had budgeted 400.00 for today and came in under that amount. So I am happy but gosh that is still alot of money for one day.

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