Home > Update on Guerilla Frugality

Update on Guerilla Frugality

January 23rd, 2005 at 08:03 pm

So far 19 no spend days this month. WOOHOO!!!
I was aiming for 20 and I will definitely make it. Smile
Still tracking the kwh. Will be buying a drying rack this next week sometime, actually probably 2 of them. That way I can stop using the dryer so much.

Still washing dishes by hand. Using very little heat, but it will be on tonight. LOL

Continuing to track all of our spending (which hasn't been much right now) -
I have shopped with a list and actually spent $175 less this month with my menus and list. I didn't even use coupons. I am setting up a coupon file and will see if I can bring it lower...........

Snacks are being made, instead of being bought premade.

There is a uniform exchange this week at school, so I will be sure to go to it. Kids grow so quickly don't they?

I added 1/2 water to all the shampoo bottles in the house and no one has noticed a difference.

I changed laundry soap to a bulk soap instead of Tide and am only using 1/8 of a cup. So that's a savings there. Smile

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