Home > 1/3 Manic Monday

1/3 Manic Monday

January 3rd, 2005 at 03:37 pm

Today I have reset the water heater timer. It has been on all the time lately. So now I have reset it for the times when we really need hot water and will see if that can add any more saved KWH.

I discovered the last week that my main energy hogs were the dishwasher and dryer - so I am trying really hard not to use either. So far so good!!

I have a freezer that has been unplugged for awhile, decided to plug it in today to check how my kwh will do. I am hoping it's not to much higher than what it's been, as I really want to start stocking the freezer again.

By stocking the freezer, I think it will lower our grocery bill. When I can buy things on sale, especially meat. Also can make breads and snacks.

We have 2 loaves of bread left. I have decided I will make some up today instead of going to the store. I have everything to do it, and we prefer homemade bread anyways. This will keep me out of the stores again today. Smile

No spend day today. Total of 2 for 2005!!

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