Home > Spending log 12/30

Spending log 12/30

December 30th, 2004 at 07:39 pm

I spent $178.00 at the grocery store.
I also took dson to wendys and we spent 3.99

I need to get a few school supplies and schools for another dson sometime before next week.........

Kwh were 45!!Coming down from 67 a day -just a week ago! That's almost $2 a day - or $60 a month!!!!! I am so excited. Just the few little things I have started doing are really paying off.

Went grocery shopping with a menu and a list and budgeted 250.00 so I still have $68 for anything we may need before next payday. If all of it doesn't get used then I will divide it in half and put half in a stock up fund (pantry) and the other half to the EF.

Also had to go to the bank, while there I opened a christmas club account for 2005. We will be having $25 taken out on the 1st and 15th of every month. This way in Dec. we will have saved $600 to go towards christmas.

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