Home > Tightwad Tuesday

Tightwad Tuesday

December 28th, 2004 at 04:08 pm

Just checked KWH for today and am down another 5. WOOHOO! Which means I am actually down 11 per day right now.

Cleaned out the truck and vacuumed it out and found some quarters. Smile Cleaned my purse out and between the truck and purse added about $18.00 in change to the changejar. Another WOOHOO!! My container is about half full now.

Washed all laundry today in cold water. Put one in the dryer and will hang the other 2 that I have to wash on the line.

Cleaned and organized pantry - dinner will be from pantry and freezer.

All lights are off, things are unplugged when not in use.

dson will be driving himself to work today, so it will save some gas $ - as I won't be making double trips.

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