Home > 12/26 checkin

12/26 checkin

December 26th, 2004 at 09:42 pm

Well today we took the kids to Toys r us to spend their christmas money. Then we went to the mall.

At tru - I spent .59 of our money - tax for my dd who is 3.

At the mall, I spent $3 on cookies - they smelled sooooooo good!!
Then I went into the $store and spent $11.

Then I went to walgreens for a few sale items and milk - $21 there so total of 32.59 for today.

Thinking alot last night about our goals and how we might reach them - I have decided to work on groceries and eating more frugally. We spent about $800 in the last month. Frown This is NOT good!! There has got to be a way to cut this down. Off to search for some quick, easy and frugal meals. Smile

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