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backsliding in frugality

April 1st, 2005 at 04:50 pm

Blacksliding in frugality.............

I undid my hot water heater timer, and started using my freezer (huge energy hog) Frown Just turned the a/c on for the year. UGH!!! Here we come high electric bills.

I spent more $$ on groceries than I have in a very long time for convenience items!! I have been working for a month now and it's time to get in a routine and actually start saving more $$ again.

I wouldn't of needed to plug the freezer in - if I hadn't bought a bunch of convenience items. Frown I unplugged it this morning and got everything into the smaller above the frig freezer. I reset the hot water heater timer AGAIN!! I WILL NOT unset it!!

The a/c is on. Frown But the temps have been hitting close to 90 already.

If I can't get this convenience spending under control - then I need to consider quitting my job. In reality I have made a little $$ but have spent more. Frown This stinks - good intentions, BUT.............

Wish me luck - going into guerilla frugal mode for one month!! Wonder how much we can save? We also need a couple items - a new shed (tornado came through and tore it all apart) and gutters on the back. (dh is getting the extra pay from work for the gutters)
Also have a couple of small bills that need to be paid that weren't - thanks to the deductible not being met this year for medical and dental. Frown

Wish me luck!!

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