Home > Tuesday's Spending

Tuesday's Spending

February 15th, 2005 at 03:40 pm

Today I have to take dson to the dentist for a cleaning. No copay on that.

I have a terrible cold and need to get some daytime meds - as I have an over abundance of the night time stuff - but really need to stay awake today. So that will be a little $$.

Spent 5.05 at Walgreens.

I need to run by the bank and deposit $75 that came in the mail yesterday.

Frugal today:
NOTHING LOL - just going to rest!! Seriously I will track the kwh as our billing cycle ends in a few days. Arrange for a couple of bills to be paid through bill pay with our bank - saving stamps.
Keeping everything uplugged or off when not in use. Washing in cold water. Dinner from the pantry/freezer.
Need to do a little more internet window shopping - we are looking for a new car to us. I think we found one, and will go look at it on Friday, I think.

Made a list of what to do with our tax refund when it get's here. Dh is finally coming around totally about being debt free. We have a car fund we have been sticking $$ in and figure we will use part of our tax refund as we don't finance cars - if we can't pay cash we don't want them. Well the rest of tax refund he was telling me a couple weeks ago what he wanted to buy for his 66 mustang restoration project - I was like NO!! But didn't say anything. WELL.............. yesterday he asked if we could pay the escrow off on the mortgage or if we should pay the last medical bill off first with the leftover $$. I about fainted!! We will be running some numbers tonight to see which would be best (right now thinking the escrow- because we could add that to the medical bill and it would be more $$ monthly to pay that off. ) Anyways I asked about the mustang (stupid girl! LOL:howl He said he wanted to be debt free (except the mortgage) before he worked on it anymore. WOW!! Not sure WHO has jumped in my dh's body - but lets get this done - before the real dh comes back.

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