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Getting debt free hard work

February 15th, 2005 at 03:48 pm

Well I wished there was a magic pill, but honestly most people would find themselves right back in debt, if it were that easy.

It take good old fashion planning and hard work.

We have cut everything that we could from our budget, any extra $ get's sent to our medical bill. We started out with $14000 in medical bills (very bad insurance at the time). That was 2 1/2 years ago. We are down to 1659.xx . WOOHOO!! Yes it's hard work, but it will be great to be debt free except the mortgage. We have saved cash on top of paying this off and will use it and part of our tax refund to get a new to us car, hopefully soon!

It's not easy, and sure there are plenty of days that we felt like, well everyone else is in debt, we'll just be that way too. Now that we know this can be done on our income and family size. We will continue to make those *payments* just not to the medical bills - it will go toward the home mortgage. I can't wait to shout we're totally debt free.

Trust me - you will become debt free. I guess it depends on how fast you want to and what sacrafices are you willing to make to have that dream become a reality.

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