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new computer or not!!

February 7th, 2005 at 11:25 am

Well our computer has been acting up lately. Frown Wasn't running right, ran the virus scan and it didn't work. So I decided to reformat the whole thing - now when you do this - you lose everything in the computer. Sooooooooo I wrote down all the favorites and then any pics I wanted to save I saved to disks.

Then I took it apart (yep you read that right) on the side I took the panel off and hand vacuumed it out and dusted it. Then I hooked it back and reformatted it.

It is like a new computer now. I really want a new computer but really don't see it in the cards right now. But I really love my computer and now it's as good as new.

Saving some $$ and I can still be online. Smile

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