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Decluttering/saving money/rambling

January 1st, 2005 at 10:38 pm

I was able to declutter the entry way closet today. It has school supplies, wrapping paper bucket, and basically a catch all for every type of paper around. It looks great in there, and I eliminated about half the closet into the garbage can!!

I also went through our 2 drawer filing cabinet and probably could combine it all into one drawer. Anything with our name or address was shredded - everything else just tossed.

It feels sooooooo good to let things like that go!

Also cleaned the porch off and all the cobwebs around the door - not many as I do this monthly but still some.

It's easy to keep the house clean when it is decluttered. Also you know what you have, and everything has a place. So you don't buy something you thought you needed, you just didn't know where it was.

I am gonna work on one cabinet or drawer at a time to get everything decluttered once and for all. I tend to collect candles, unfortunately the ones I have tend not to smell anymore after lighting a couple times. Frown So I will be weeding some of those out as they are just taking up space. Not all will go though, as we did need them last summer when we had no power, thanks to the hurricanes.

Something I realized during our hurricanes was that when everything was in it's place, we could find it in the dark! Amazing I know, but it helped so much!!

Want to start stocking slowly for hurricane season this year, so will start buying one package of batteries each payday - which will go on the hurricane shelf. Smile

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